
“How we managed our time during the financial crisis”

Whole my life from the day I was born till now, I have seen my parents go through different financial problems time to time. There were times where we would go outing at least once a month, buy clothes, have fun. There were times when months passed without an outing or fun time when we…

Healthy Diet

It is a natural thinking of the people around us that having a healthy diet necessarily means that they have to give up on the food they love. They think that it restricts us to satisfy our taste buds. They can’t be any more wrong!! A healthy diet is actually to intake a portion from…

I am useless

Often times a thought goes through our mind that we are useless. That happens when we fail to do a task, we fail in exams or we don’t play upon others expectations. But that is just a journey, not the destination. When you take a new pencil out of a box, it is plane. We…

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

We live in an age where all we see around is various tasty and mouth watering foods and if you are a foody like me then its really hard to resist a cheesy burger,sizzling steak or scrumptious BBQs.We give in our temptations forgetting about how its making a party in our stomach and intestine.All those…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Rehma. A BS- Nutrition student, I am a freelance writer. I spend most of my time with friends and family and find peace in being a support system of them. I love to binge on books and write about whats going through my mind. This blog is about book reviews, nutrition and motivational stuff.

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